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Our commitment to Positive Support in all our services without any form of restraint

We are CQC registered with a registration 1-13832058867.  We are focusing out service on supporting behaviours of concern with the aim of supporting positive behaviour and engagement in the local community for all the people we support. 

Ahmad Kashiri, the Registered manager and Joyce Chiwara, Care Planning Manager, are currently undergoing training to be a NAPPI Trainer for the whole staff team which will complete on 25th November 2023.

The nominated individual, Nick Brown is focusing upon training to support two ‘experts by experience’ to partner with us to deliver training to the staff team. This is in conjunction with NAPPI and will mean we will have at least one ‘expert by experience’ working with us from the end of October 2023.

Nick Brown is also a director of our partner training company, Aspire Training Associated which in conjunction with us provides all staff with the following qualification:

·       Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Autism

·       Level 2 Certificate in Safe Handling of Medication in health & Social Care

·       Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities

·       Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Behaviour that Challenges

·       Level 2 Certificate in Nutrition and Health

·       Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care

We are committed to the restraint reduction network principles and will not be using any form of physical restraint in any of our work. We use positive behavioural support plans and ensure all our work practice is focused upon supporting positive behaviour through person centred support and care.

Team Meeting
Posing at Archaeological Site
Positive Behavioural Support: News
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